What's Magic?
Magic went out of fashion in intellectual Europe from about 17th century. Reason took its place. This wasn't altogether a bad thing. It might have prevented the odd witch from being burned, and rivers full of eyeless newts. But to dismiss magic is to annihilate something precious within the human spirit. Children love magic, and I pay attention to kids, because they are less brainwashed and more in touch with themselves than adults.
Magic is the point where the Known touches the Unknown. It is staring into the endless starlit vault of night and feeling oddly connected, or watching a shoot push out of a seed and knowing no scientist on Earth understands how life really happens. is humility and wonder in the face of the mysteries of life and the natural world. It is the acknowledgement that beneath the tiny peak of human knowledge is a mountain of undiscoverables. It is the conviction that there is no such thing as impossible. If you like the quantifiable, the tried and tested, firm ground and clear conclusions, return to The Mud Home Page. Otherwise welcome to The Mud's wyrder side. |
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