There are many ways to find out more about natural plasters, mud building and earthbag construction. If you use the search bar on this website there are well over 100 articles on all manner of aspects of natural building. If you'd like to pick my brain, I offer consultancy too. You can see the rates below:
If you are planning a natural building, using lime or clay plasters, wanting to build an earthbag house, or go off-grid, you will save yourself an awful lot of time, money, energy and tears by getting some expert advice first.
What's Expert Advice?
Expert advice isn't what your uncle Fred or that bloke up the road said (and they've got plenty to say, I know). When it comes to natural building, expert advice also isn't the misinformation many mainstream builders and architects who are not specialists in natural building dole out. I can't emphasise this enough. Natural building for the most part does not work like mainstream building.
I've been building with mud and lime since 2011 in various countries, and under challenging circumstances. That's a long time and a wide breadth of knowledge. I specialise in clay plaster, lime applications, earthbag building, renovating ancient structures, and off-grid living, with a lot of other experience besides. If you're planning a natural home, renovating an old building, rendering or redecorating naturally and would like some proper advice, feel free to book a consultation with me.
The Consultation Fee and Content
My fee is £95 GBP for 45 minutes.
How does it work? We organise a video call at a mutually agreed time. Feel free to show me around you property/issue/wall and ask as many questions as you like. After the call I write a report and send it to you so that you have a copy of all my suggestions and resources.
To book contact me at: [email protected]. Outline what you'd like to learn more about, and write "Consultation" in the heading so that I home in on it first.
What's Expert Advice?
Expert advice isn't what your uncle Fred or that bloke up the road said (and they've got plenty to say, I know). When it comes to natural building, expert advice also isn't the misinformation many mainstream builders and architects who are not specialists in natural building dole out. I can't emphasise this enough. Natural building for the most part does not work like mainstream building.
I've been building with mud and lime since 2011 in various countries, and under challenging circumstances. That's a long time and a wide breadth of knowledge. I specialise in clay plaster, lime applications, earthbag building, renovating ancient structures, and off-grid living, with a lot of other experience besides. If you're planning a natural home, renovating an old building, rendering or redecorating naturally and would like some proper advice, feel free to book a consultation with me.
The Consultation Fee and Content
My fee is £95 GBP for 45 minutes.
How does it work? We organise a video call at a mutually agreed time. Feel free to show me around you property/issue/wall and ask as many questions as you like. After the call I write a report and send it to you so that you have a copy of all my suggestions and resources.
To book contact me at: [email protected]. Outline what you'd like to learn more about, and write "Consultation" in the heading so that I home in on it first.