To compost shower or not?
It works. And I'm sure if you've got the left-overs of an entire commune to throw away, a few meat-eaters (compost loves a bit of blood apparently), five volunteers to keep the compost ticking over, plus a coolish damp climate, then the compost shower is going to be right up your permie alley. But for me?
Whenever I'm trying out a new sustainable living or permaculture idea, there are a number of factors I'm considering. I'm always weighing up the effort of making it and maintaining it, versus the results. I'm a single woman, not an entire off-the-grid farming team. The compost shower may indeed be brilliant, but for me the effort of sustaining the compost pile was far more of a bother than simply heating the water on my stove which was burning anyway. And easier still would be to install a couple of solar heating panels which in Turkey are cheap and efficient. But, that isn't to say we didn't have fun making it. So if you want to know how, here goes.
Whenever I'm trying out a new sustainable living or permaculture idea, there are a number of factors I'm considering. I'm always weighing up the effort of making it and maintaining it, versus the results. I'm a single woman, not an entire off-the-grid farming team. The compost shower may indeed be brilliant, but for me the effort of sustaining the compost pile was far more of a bother than simply heating the water on my stove which was burning anyway. And easier still would be to install a couple of solar heating panels which in Turkey are cheap and efficient. But, that isn't to say we didn't have fun making it. So if you want to know how, here goes.